Dr. Robalo is an infectious disease physician and public health expert, whose career spans for over 30 years in the global health eco system. She held senior leadership positions at the domestic and international levels in various professional settings, working with Government, multilateral, civil society organizations and the private sector.
She has a track record in promoting equitable access to quality healthcare and outcomes, gender equality and social justice, ethics, and accountability. She has solid knowledge and robust experience on a broad range of public health issues, gender equality, ethics, and governance. She spearheaded successful initiatives as former Minister of Public Health, Presidential High Commissioner for theCOVID-19 response in Guinea-Bissau, WHO Representative, WHO Director of Communicable Diseases and Global Managing Director of Women in Global Health.
Dr Magda Robalo is a medical doctor (Universidade do Porto, Portugal) with a Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health and Tropical Medicine (Universidade Nova, Portugal) and a Master of Sciences degree in Epidemiology (Université Laval, Canada.