Panel Submissions

Global Health Security Conference: Past Event
Dates : 18 June - 21 June
Location : ICC Sydney

Instructions for Panel Submissions

The panel submission portal is designed for authors that would like to submit a three-person panel proposal only. If you do not have a pre-formed panel, please return to the oral/poster abstract submission portal.

Panels are intended to be highly interactive, participatory, engaging, pluralistic, and are not a substitute for a set of contributed papers. They must have a cohesive topic related to the conference themes and promote lively discussions.

Accordingly, panel submissions may include a maximum of three (3) speakers only. The chair/discussant for the panel will be selected by the program committee. No exceptions are permitted.

The Global Health Security conferences are committed to gender diversity and insist on maintaining a strict no male-only panel (‘manels’) policy. If your panel is comprised exclusively of individuals who identify as male, the submission will be rejected.

Please also note that if a substitution is made later which then results in the composition of the panel being comprised of male-only speakers, the panel will either be divided up with speakers allocated to other panels or cancelled. This policy is strictly enforced and will apply even if panels have been accepted.

If the panel submission is rejected there will not be an opportunity to resubmit as an individual oral/poster presentation. Please choose carefully when submitting.

Please ensure that all speakers/authors have signed off on the proposal and that they will be available to attend GHS2024 before submitting the panel.

Once the submission deadline has passed if there are any changes to panellist information you must contact

Panel Submission Requirements

Panels are limited to three (3) speakers only. You are not permitted to nominate a chair or discussant for the panel, as the chair/discussant is selected by the program committee.

In preparing your panel abstract submission, you must include the name and contact details for all three panel speakers. Please ensure you have the following information ready for each speaker as you prepare the panel abstract submission:

  • First name of each speaker
  • Last name of each speaker
  • Valid email address of each speaker (NB: this is to ensure each speaker receives important information)

If the speaker is presenting on behalf of a team of researchers, please only include the presenter’s details.

Each speaker must supply an individual abstract (i.e. three abstracts must be submitted as part of the panel submission). Abstracts should include the following headings in their content:

  • Introduction
  • Context and Aim (why this is important)
  • Method
  • Findings
  • Innovative contribution to policy, practice and/or research

In addition to the abstracts, a panel description must also be included. The panel description must describe the objectives of the panel presentation, and relate clearly to the conference themes.

The abstracts and panel description are to be submitted through the online portal using the abstract submission box provided. We recommend that you prepare your abstract using a word processor and then copy and paste the abstract into the submission box. You must ensure each abstract does not exceed a maximum of 200 words. The panel description is also limited to 200 words.

Submissions that have not followed the guidelines correctly may be returned to the author for resubmission.

Panel Submission Portal

This portal is for 3 person panel proposals only.

Key Dates

Call for Abstracts Open

17 July 2023

Call for Abstracts Deadline

3 December 2023

Author Notification

31 January 2024

Author and Early Bird Registration Deadline

1 March 2024

Conference Dates

18 - 21 June 2024


Nam maximus felis vitae congue porttitor. Fusce rhoncus urna a neque ornare, eget blandit libero volutpat. In blandit neque ac magna maximus, vestibulum eleifend arcu bibendum. Ut consectetur rutrum erat nec auctor. Nulla facilisi. Sed risus nisi, fringilla ut nibh id, efficitur consectetur tortor. Nulla quis ullamcorper metus. Mauris tincidunt ultrices erat semper feugiat. Pellentesque fermentum dictum massa, eu dapibus velit feugiat vel. Etiam venenatis, ligula nec vestibulum maximus, orci tellus cursus leo, iaculis facilisis lectus lacus vel lorem. Maecenas tempus mauris ante, sit amet aliquet massa auctor quis. Duis fermentum, erat a vulputate condimentum, velit tellus aliquet lorem, eu porta sem urna a neque. Sed efficitur ultrices dapibus. Sed ullamcorper nisi eu mollis ultricies. Mauris augue mi, aliquet sed nibh a, semper mollis metus. Nullam interdum urna diam. Curabitur tincidunt est magna, ac condimentum ex bibendum at. Nam nunc urna, consectetur nec congue eu, pulvinar quis dolor.

Nam maximus felis vitae congue porttitor. Fusce rhoncus urna a neque ornare, eget blandit libero volutpat. In blandit neque ac magna maximus, vestibulum eleifend arcu bibendum. Ut consectetur rutrum erat nec auctor. Nulla facilisi. Sed risus nisi, fringilla ut nibh id, efficitur consectetur tortor. Nulla quis ullamcorper metus. Mauris tincidunt ultrices erat semper feugiat. Pellentesque fermentum dictum massa, eu dapibus velit feugiat vel. Etiam venenatis, ligula nec vestibulum maximus, orci tellus cursus leo, iaculis facilisis lectus lacus vel lorem. Maecenas tempus mauris ante, sit amet aliquet massa auctor quis. Duis fermentum, erat a vulputate condimentum, velit tellus aliquet lorem, eu porta sem urna a neque. Sed efficitur ultrices dapibus. Sed ullamcorper nisi eu mollis ultricies. Mauris augue mi, aliquet sed nibh a, semper mollis metus. Nullam interdum urna diam. Curabitur tincidunt est magna, ac condimentum ex bibendum at. Nam nunc urna, consectetur nec congue eu, pulvinar quis dolor.

Nam maximus felis vitae congue porttitor. Fusce rhoncus urna a neque ornare, eget blandit libero volutpat. In blandit neque ac magna maximus, vestibulum eleifend arcu bibendum. Ut consectetur rutrum erat nec auctor. Nulla facilisi. Sed risus nisi, fringilla ut nibh id, efficitur consectetur tortor. Nulla quis ullamcorper metus. Mauris tincidunt ultrices erat semper feugiat. Pellentesque fermentum dictum massa, eu dapibus velit feugiat vel. Etiam venenatis, ligula nec vestibulum maximus, orci tellus cursus leo, iaculis facilisis lectus lacus vel lorem. Maecenas tempus mauris ante, sit amet aliquet massa auctor quis. Duis fermentum, erat a vulputate condimentum, velit tellus aliquet lorem, eu porta sem urna a neque. Sed efficitur ultrices dapibus. Sed ullamcorper nisi eu mollis ultricies. Mauris augue mi, aliquet sed nibh a, semper mollis metus. Nullam interdum urna diam. Curabitur tincidunt est magna, ac condimentum ex bibendum at. Nam nunc urna, consectetur nec congue eu, pulvinar quis dolor.

Nam maximus felis vitae congue porttitor. Fusce rhoncus urna a neque ornare, eget blandit libero volutpat. In blandit neque ac magna maximus, vestibulum eleifend arcu bibendum. Ut consectetur rutrum erat nec auctor. Nulla facilisi. Sed risus nisi, fringilla ut nibh id, efficitur consectetur tortor. Nulla quis ullamcorper metus. Mauris tincidunt ultrices erat semper feugiat. Pellentesque fermentum dictum massa, eu dapibus velit feugiat vel. Etiam venenatis, ligula nec vestibulum maximus, orci tellus cursus leo, iaculis facilisis lectus lacus vel lorem. Maecenas tempus mauris ante, sit amet aliquet massa auctor quis. Duis fermentum, erat a vulputate condimentum, velit tellus aliquet lorem, eu porta sem urna a neque. Sed efficitur ultrices dapibus. Sed ullamcorper nisi eu mollis ultricies. Mauris augue mi, aliquet sed nibh a, semper mollis metus. Nullam interdum urna diam. Curabitur tincidunt est magna, ac condimentum ex bibendum at. Nam nunc urna, consectetur nec congue eu, pulvinar quis dolor.

Nam maximus felis vitae congue porttitor. Fusce rhoncus urna a neque ornare, eget blandit libero volutpat. In blandit neque ac magna maximus, vestibulum eleifend arcu bibendum. Ut consectetur rutrum erat nec auctor. Nulla facilisi. Sed risus nisi, fringilla ut nibh id, efficitur consectetur tortor. Nulla quis ullamcorper metus. Mauris tincidunt ultrices erat semper feugiat. Pellentesque fermentum dictum massa, eu dapibus velit feugiat vel. Etiam venenatis, ligula nec vestibulum maximus, orci tellus cursus leo, iaculis facilisis lectus lacus vel lorem. Maecenas tempus mauris ante, sit amet aliquet massa auctor quis. Duis fermentum, erat a vulputate condimentum, velit tellus aliquet lorem, eu porta sem urna a neque. Sed efficitur ultrices dapibus. Sed ullamcorper nisi eu mollis ultricies. Mauris augue mi, aliquet sed nibh a, semper mollis metus. Nullam interdum urna diam. Curabitur tincidunt est magna, ac condimentum ex bibendum at. Nam nunc urna, consectetur nec congue eu, pulvinar quis dolor.

Global Health Security Conference

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